
Baptism is a sacramental celebration that marks the beginning of a commitment to walk through life attuned to God and as a member of a community that seeks to follow in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus.  Because Baptism marks the beginning of a journey with a community, it is always celebrated within our Sunday Eucharist.  That celebration reminds us that no one who is baptized needs to journey alone.  A community of support is always nearby, ready and waiting!

All who are ready to commit to the Christian journey as part of our community are welcome to be baptized here at St. Peter’s.  Although infants and children cannot make this commitment for themselves, their parents and godparents can affirm their intention that the infants and children they present for baptism will be raised as part of the Christian community and will be guided toward the day when they are prepared affirm their own readiness to walk with us in the steps of Jesus.

Please contact the Parish Administrator at or by phone call to (609) 494 – 2398 if you wish to discuss Baptism further..