Memorial Windows

The beautiful stain glass windows in St. Peter’s Church were installed in the 1970’s. The first was the St. Peter Window – dedicated to the memory of Lewis Carr. Other windows quickly followed in memory of individuals and families who had lived on Long Beach Island and worshipped at St. Peter’s.

In addition to St. Peter, the other stain glass windows portray the Virgin and Child, St. Cecilia, St. Francis, St. Dorothea, St. Andrew, St. Jude and John the Apostle. Among the symbols they bear, many are associated with the Christian Church, as well as with the Long Beach Island coastal environment.

When the organ alcove addition was completed in 2017, two additional stain glass windows were added. One window illustrates the Raising of Jairus’ Daughter and the other of Jesus Calming the Storm on the Lake of Galilee. Both were donated to St. Peter’s by Tom and Debbie MacArthur.