Holy Week Basics!
Unapologetically, Christians claim that Holy Week is the most sacred week of our year. It affords us time to dig deep into the mystery of God’s love.
In this 2022 Holy Week, we invite you to be courageous! Venture close! Step inside our church or join us on zoom – both are open to you! We hope you will discover that the light of God’s love illumines everything. We hope you will find a pathway to peace and to hope and to joy. Expect to be welcomed here . . . Everyone is!
Holy Week Services 2022:
Wednesday, April 13th, 7 p.m. – Tenebrae Service
This is a quiet guided meditation on Christ’s passion. You do not need to do anything. Just sit in dim light and reflect. There will be a few simple but meaningful pieces of music. This is a great place to start! Tenebrae Service Bulletin
Thursday, April 14th, 7 p.m. – Maundy Thursday Eucharist
At this service we recall the last meal Jesus shared with his friends. We remember that he washed the feet of his friends and instructed that they serve others the same way. We reflect also on the sad reality that Jesus’ closest friends could not manage to stay awake with him when he was in a moment of great anguish. We will be joined in this service by our friends from Zion Lutheran Church. Our door is open to you also! Maundy Thursday Service Bulletin
Friday, April 15th, 3 p.m. – Remembering the Passion and Death of Jesus
A service of memories . . . A service of mysteries . . . Our focus is on Jesus – the One who took the worst that humans could throw at him and responded only in love and in truth! We can’t fully appreciate that – but we keep trying. Come reflect – try to grasp it all – with us! Good Friday Service Bulletin
Saturday, April 16th, 7 p.m. – The Glorious Easter Vigil
We gather this night as dusk approaches, remembering that the whole world felt dark to the disciples of Jesus as they gathered together in the hours after the murder of Jesus. Please come into the darkness of the church. You will receive a bulletin and an unlit candle. Spend a few minutes in silence until the service begins, reflecting on the darkness the disciples experienced in the days after Jesus’ death. Their entire world had been shattered. It was indeed a time of unbearable darkness. And then it all changed! Join us tonight to walk from darkness into light … Easter Vigil Service Bulletin
Easter Sunday
The Lord is Risen indeed! Our joyous Easter celebration begins at 10 a.m. You are welcome here! Easter Sunday Service Bulletin