Deepening our following of Jesus
- Weekly Bible Study! We frequently have participants from different faith traditions. Everyone is welcome! We meet every Friday (except on holiday weekends) at 10 a.m. in the parish house (7th street between Central Ave. & Broadway in Barnegat Light). You can also join us on zoom.
Join Friday Bible Study by zoom
- Worship Assistants – Whether you are quiet or not, technologially savvy or not, accustomed to back stage roles or center stage…. there are ways everyone can contribute to the common worship… Greeters, Readers, Leaders of Prayer, Musicians, Tech Support, and more.
- Altar Guild – The Altar Guild’s ministry is to support the smooth and welcoming worship of the community. The Altar Guild sets up and cleans up after worship services, arranges the pickup of altar flowers, and the distribution of altar flowers after Sunday worship.
- Eucharistic Visitation and Pastoral Care – This team seeks to become a lifeline, bringing the prayers, the support of the community, and the sacramental presence of Jesus to those who cannot come to us.
- Spirit Support Ministry – This ministry team exercises Christian hospitaltiy as it writes and mails cards for specific moments in the life of each community member or visitor